Upload & Manage VOD Assets

Upload a VOD Asset

To upload a video asset you sign into the http://go2.enigmatv.io

  1. Enter menu tab "Upload"
  2. Add a new asset by clicking the "+CREATE" button in the "UPLOAD AN ASSET" widget
  3. If you have a service of multiple Business Units, it is possible to upload an asset which can be available on all of them. Then the availability has to be selected as a Customer within the field "Availability". If no choice is made, the Business Unit is automatically selected.
  4. Click browse to add your asset and fill in the availability dates and purge if you want the video material to automatically be removed at a specific date.
  5. Select a product of choice (See, below)
  6. Click on "UPLOAD"

Customer Portal Asset Example

Note: The file can take some time attach to the page, so have patience. Once the bar below the field "VIDEO FILE" has turned green, you can press the button "UPLOAD".

Your vod is now being ingested and transcoded into your OTT service.


When the service is setup, the following product are created automatically:

Product Notes
Available for all logged in users A user must login to play the content
Available for all users, also non logged in Login is not required to play the content

To configure if users need to log in or not, please see: End User Access.

Add Meta Data & Images

Click on the asset title that is being encoded or go to the menu choice "Assets" and find your full list of assets in one place.

  1. Add all the needed meta data by clicking on the + in the accordion menus
  2. Add one or more images by clicking +ADD You can pick from "from Thumbnails" which are images taken from your video file or by adding your own
  3. If your service is using the Red Bee provided apps, select Cover as Category
  4. Finish by clicking +ADD

Customer Portal Asset Example

Use of Tags

Click on the accordion menu choice TAGS to add your assets into different categories which later can be used when creating components such as carousels, grids, lists and virtual channels within the service

  1. Add a tag by clicking +ADD
  2. Choose between an existing one or by adding a new
  3. If you have a service of multiple Business Units, it is possible to create a tag which can be available on all of them. Then the availability has to be selected as a Customer within the field "Availability". If no choice is made, the Business Unit is automatically selected.
  4. Select multiple ones if wanted

Customer Portal Asset Example